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Moulds For Bowls

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With ever changing lifestyles, the consumer market continues to expand. We have developed & specialized in oval designed thermoforming mould for our valuable customers & have been successful in catering to the market demands.

If you are a manufacturer of plastic bowls, Mouldcraft offers you thermoforming moulds, manufactured and designed as per your requirements. The various kinds of Round Bowls/ Oval Bowls moulds manufactured by us are:

Thermoforming moulds for Yogurt Bowls
Thermoforming moulds for Dairy Products

Thermoforming moulds for Dahi Bowls
Thermoforming moulds for Take-away Bowls

We specialize in making moulds for Plastic disposable oval and round Bowls which are widely used packaging of Dairy products like Yoghurt, Ice-cream, Cheese, Tofu, Meat & Seafood, Bakery, Soft Fruits.

Round bowl moulds can be used to manufacture round bowls that are used in industries and applications like Hospitality - parties, functions, Outdoor events, Offices, Canteens and mess, Food service stations, Restaurants/ Ice cream joints, Theatres and malls, Cafeterias, Catering services, Drive-in services, Eateries, Gifts and confectionaries, etc.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Blister Packing Dies, Blister Packing Dies For Plastic, Blister Packing Moulds, Moulds For Bowls, Moulds For Lids, Moulds For Meal Tray, Moulds For Rectangular Containers, Moulds For Round Cups, Moulds For Round Dishes, Moulds For Round Glasses, Moulds For Thermoforming Machines, Plastic Blister Packing Dies, Plastic Blister Packing Moulds, Plastic Skin Packing Dies, Plastic Skin Packing Moulds, Plastic Vacuum Forming Dies, Plastic Vacuum Forming Moulds, Products, Skin Packing Dies, Skin Packing Moulds, Thermo Forming Dies, Thermo Forming Moulds, Thermoplastic Vacuum Forming Dies, Vacuum Forming Dies, Vacuum Forming Moulds